Fun stuff coming up...

>> zondag 25 april 2010

Well I guess you noticed that I missed my ‘Any given Thursday’... Well a lot of things happened in our pretty sweet life the past 2 weeks. Things that weren’t planned and on top of that it’s been very busy work & sports related, but other then that we’re doing great! But good things are coming our way and we’re pretty excited!

I wanted to share some new goodies out in digiland and from my creative teams, but that has to wait. Yesterday I babysitted our sweet 2nd cousin Quinn (turning 3 in Sept.) and the boy, really is the cutest. He behaved so well and was just sweet for his ‘auntie’. My cousin Sylvia is a single child, so she named us en my bro & his GF to aunts & uncles and I like it! We went to the petting zoo and he loved it... when we got back we made my guy a yummy lunch and Quinn was so proud. After we took a little nap together we went to my parents and enjoyed sitting in the sun in the backyard! It was a beautiful day and they say today is going to be another gorgeous & sunny day! :) here are two of my fav. photos... Haven’t processed these yet...straight out of my camera!

Keep watching my blog as I’m going to share lots of fun news about next weekend, cause it’s my favorite digiscrapping weekend of all. It’s ‘International scrapbooking day’!!!! And there are going to be tons of fun things happening in digiland and some awsome sales of course. So be on the look-out for that!


Now gotta run, to pack my stuff and all, cause I’ve got a fun shoot in 20 mins. with my colleague, her family & her brothers family...wish me luck! :) See you soonish –xx-

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thanks for stopping by and leaving me some sweet blog lovin'!! -hugs-

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I'm 28 years of age and from the Netherlands...I'm an addicted digiscrapper, photographer, softball player, teacher at a daycare, fiance, music lover & soon to be mom.

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